
Nebraska Senator Sues God (Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit listed as Possible Witnesses)

Okay, so while Jesus and the Holy Spirt have nothing to do with the trial, it's very true that a Nebraska Senator, Ernie Chambers, is filing a lawsuit against God, claiming that God has acted as a terrorist agent, causing fear and the death of millions of inhabitants on earth. Furthermore, he's charging God with intentionally causing "fearsome floods...horrendous hurricanes, and terrifying tornadoes."
While this is, to a certain extent, very amusing, the senator tries to make a very interesting point, which, from the sites I've read, most people have missed. Many people immediately were hung up on the fact that Ernie Chambers is a known athiest who often bashes Christians, or actually took Chambers lawsuit seriously, believing he was actually suing God. However, Chambers comes forth to address the frivolity of many lawsuits today. He says that he's responding to another lawsuit, where a woman named Tory Bowen is using a Nebraska Judge for barring the words "rape" and "victim" from use at trial.
While personally, I don't think this is the best lawsuit to retaliate to (the subject of rape being a very sensitive one in the legal system) Chambers is attempting to make a good point: lawsuits are, and have been for years, hitting a zenith in absurdity. We're all familiar (if not, have at least heard of) the Lieback v. McDonald's case, where a woman sued McDonalds because she spilled hot coffee on herself and claimed she wasn't warned the coffee would be hot.
It may be ridiculous to say that this is an absolute new development (I don't know enough about law to know if ridiculous cases date back to the dawn of time), however it's good that someone of the legal system is taking the platform to point out the hilarity of many lawsuits today. Often it seems as if they are abusing the law, taking advantage of the system to benefit themselves. However, the danger with saying this is that lawsuits in some way have always been just that. When does a lawsuit leave the realms of reality and enter the territory of ridicule and ludicrousness? It's a hard line to draw, but, if nothing else, this latest development in the legal world will force people to take another look at the system and the humorous - yet dangerous - place it sometimes finds itself in.

Further Reading:

Nebraska State Senator Sues God

For another angle on the subject, listen at:

NPR: Senator Sues God

1 comment:

President Teo En Ming, Federal Republic of the Universe said...

Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) Sues God

Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) wants to sue God for His utter negligence on earthly affairs. How can I file a lawsuit against Him at the United States Supreme Court, the European Court of Justice, and the International Court of Justice?

Like Nebraska Democratic State Senator Ernie Chambers, I want to seek a permanent injunction against God.

Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)
Singapore Identity Card Number: S78*6*2*H
Location: Bedok Reservoir Road, Singapore 470103
Mobile Phone Number (Starhub Pre-paid): +65-8369-2618
Photo of Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) #1: http://i53.tinypic.com/207tamp.jpg Photo of Singapore Citizen Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) #2: http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/7534/enmingteodscf2511.jpg